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To: harlock@raindrop.ranma.com (Mike Harlock)
From: dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan)
Subject: Re: SCSI
Cc: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
>You do indeed need a SCSI controller, but if you get an acellerator such as
>a warp engine with a built-in SCSI controller, it won't take up a slot, just
>the CPU daugherboard swap. Otherwise, you'll have to find the 4091(?)
>SCSI-II controller, or an older 3rd party controller from GVP and the like,
>or even a 2091. They all take up a card slot.
When working with the A4000, the Z3 Fastlane is a really nice board.
It also has an external SCSI controller, and allows for RAM expansion
to 256. Stay away from the 2091's...
Dan Ablan
(312) 239-7957
dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan) sent this message.
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